Looks like the second round of the Dresden Files RPG playtest is about to get underway. While the first round was the Bleeding Alpha, this one is the Burning Alpha, and it’s got a new graphic:
DFRPG Burning Alpha Playtest
[EDIT: I am a moron. I haven’t been able to figure out how to put a graphic in this post yet.][EDIT: Got it. I think.]
We who were involved in the Bleeding Alpha are getting to see the files and try them out, and still talk about them, but the focus on this round is really on new folks trying out the game. The canny Evil Hat contingent is setting up a special mailing list for the Burners, while still encouraging us Bleeders to use our list.
So, what does that mean for me?
I don’t know that I can get the old gang together for another extensive playtest – it’s summer, now, and people are scattering. Also, I’ve run some number of one-shots and short adventures in the past several months, and people are starting to push me to do a longer campaign again. I don’t want to start a campaign using a test ruleset, so…
Besides, I’m still trying to find the time to do a test run of Mutant City Blues.
Still, I’m going to be reading the revised rules, and I’ll probably talk about some of the changes here. I may even revisit some of the play reports and characters, to show how they would change in the new rules.
Also, I encourage the new playtesters, you Burners out there, to send me a link to anything you post about the game. I’ll put it up here, and we can help keep people up to date on what’s happening.
The blood has been spilled. Now, the fire will purify.
Hey there. I am a playtester for the Burning Alpha game. 🙂 I actually started a community at Live Journal (a few months ago) and I will be posting thoughts and such on both my own journal and the Dresden Community. Check them out if you like.
I have to also say I read all of your Dresden reports and I found them very well done. You were very concise and went into a lot of detail about the experience you had. I just wanted to say, those of us that read these blogs to find out how it was testing, really appreciated what you did.
Thanks for the kind words. I hope you enjoy testing and blogging about the game as much as I did.
I did put the wrong address for the LJ community.
It is. http://community.livejournal.com/dresdenfilesrpg/
Unfortunately you can’t direct link to the images in the private file area on the Yahoo Group. It’s gotta copied over and hosted somewhere else. 😉